Consumers tend to check their mobiles more than 50 times a day. If you need a platform to send/receive SMS, WhatsApp, chatbots & Emails, we have solutions that works wonders.

Precise Communication’s division "Precise Messaging" is the leading provider of business/consumer databases & infrastructure for SMS & emails.

Visit our Messaging

Visit our FREE SMS

SMS Marketing

Chose your target audience and reach them through the most effective marketing tool

2-WAY Messaging

Interact with your client in real time through SMS

SMS Gateway Solutions

SMPP, HTTPS and API based connectivity with seamless routing mechanism

Subscription Service

No hassle in getting subscription charges. Automated billing and content distribution platform.

Reseller & Bulk SMS Platform

White label the complete platform to your identity or use our portal to send bulk SMS.

Bulk SMS

Be it through ERP, SAP, SQL/Oracle database or normal Excel sheet, our SMS System provides various solutions

Digital advertising

Imagine reaching your consumers exactly when they seek a service or a product? That’s precision! Be it through Direct media buying, Google ads, Programmatic ads, Performance driven KPIs, social ads, YouTube ads and much more!

Consumer first tends to look for your product & services on Search Engines. After they find it, they either get inspired or influence their peers on Social Media platforms...

Our media planning team connects customers to your brand or business based on the objectives set, be it awareness, engagement, a particular call to action or a direct sale.

  • Customized targeting
  • Latest media offerings
  • Trackable reporting Mix of direct, earned, paid & owned media
  • Customer centric
  • Integrated to web, lead generation or social KPIs
  • A 360 digital view cutting across all platforms (Web/Mobile/Tablet/Social)
  • Hands on understanding of advert platforms such as Google Adwords, FaceBook Manager, Sizmek & DoubleClick & the latest creative execution technologies

Mobile & Web

Anyone can build a site or a mobile app; but ensuring its design and functionality is well-matched to the business goals is what Precise focuses on. Let us bring the virtual world to your consumers with loyalty & engagement & consistent growth.

Websites and Mobile Apps promote you 24/7: No individual will do that.

  • iOS (Iphone & Ipad),
  • App development,
  • Android,
  • Custom Apps Development
  • Java Development
  • Mobile CMS Development
  • iBeacon Technology for Way Finding
  • Multi-language Support
  • Integration to CRM & ERP Systems
  • Internet of Things
  • NFC Based Solutions
  • Mobile Check-in System
  • Warehouse Management Systems
  • Virtual Shops & Ecommerce
  • Augmented Reality
  • Games & Interactive Solutions
Visit our FREE Mobile Games website & App:


Crafting to perfection from the ground up is what Precise envisions to do for your website and mobile apps. Our search engine (& App store) optimization capabilities are designed to increase your brand’s visibility in a user-friendly way.

Search engine optimisation is broken down into two basic areas: Definition on-page, & off-page optimisation.

On-page optimisation refers to website elements which comprise a web page, such as HTML code, textual content, & images. Off-page optimization refers, predominantly, to backlinks (links pointing to the site which is being optimised, from other relevant websites). Statistics show that 80% of visitors coming to a site come there by means of search engines.

And it’s not just about keywords, it’s about integration to different digital media & contents. Simialr principles can apply to App store optimizations.

SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked.

- Duane Forrester

Multimedia & Creative

Designing is the heart of everything we do! The layout, design, colours & font all speak for the brand. Be it Web, Mobile Apps, Digital or Social our team is integrated for all visual touchpoints.

Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, & beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.

- Paola Antonelli
What do we offer:

Interactive Reach

As consumer engagement behavior changes, our medium to connect with them evolves. This is our playground, our lab of new ideas.

Take a risk & keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.

- Amrita Sahasrabudhe

The love for futuristic technology & innovation is what makes Precise undeniably excited about new technology & marketing gizmos. As consumer engagement behavior changes, our medium to connect with them evolves. Precise’s recent innovative tools cover:

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